Eine aktuelle und vollständige Auflistung der persönlichen Medikation kann in vielen Situationen hilfreich sein und Zeit und Aufwand sparen. Lösungen hierfür gibt es viele. Vom einfachen handgeschriebenen Zettel, über ausgedruckte Listen, bis zu zahlreichen Apps.
There are different UI’s for your Openhab server, like the Basic UI or HABPanel. But if you are also using Nextcloud then there is one more now. The Openhab viewer integration app let’s you visualize your Openhab sitemaps through the API of Openhab.
After collecting possibilities to use vi-bindings everywhere some time ago, I’m going to start a new collection.
This time I am looking for tools and utilities that are based on plain-text.
Using plain-text as a data format brings several benefits with it.
For example you can use standard tools for synchronisation, version control, diffing or encryption.
This overview simply represents my current knowledge.
Having that said, I welcome every comment introducing new tools.
After months, I finally got my Emacs config published. It is now available on Github. So check out the config.org file for the main configuration. If you found interesting parts or ideas for improvements - just leave a comment below :)
Although I try to avoid to use word processors like LibreOffice Writer, sometimes - mainly for collaboration purposes - I have to fall back on them. And in such hard
times I want to have at least some useful keybindings. Because I couldn’t find any downloads that provide Emacs bindings for OpenOffice/LibreOffice Writer
I configured the basic bindings which you can download here.
This post is about my switch from Textpattern to Hyde as my website system (some call it CMS thought).
In the past I tried a few systems, starting with Wordpress, then DokuWiki and then Textpattern. The reasons for this
changes were mostly the extensibility of the systems and the way you write articles/posts etc. Until the next switch I think
I’m happy with Hyde :)
I just wanted to share my happiness about a new workflow for writing presentations. I couldn’t believe how quick I got useful slides by writing my notes with Emacs’ Orgmode. So, here it is:
Do some research or brainstorming or whatever and take notes with Orgmode
Do a little cleanup on the structure of your notes so that you get a useful structure of your slides
You may have to append the defintion for beamer class to org-export-latex-classes. Here is my definition.
That’s it!
This means you don’t waste any time with creating your slides and you can concentrate 100% on the content. I’m sure that’s (even more) faster than writing pure LaTeX and faster, nicer, … than [Open|Libre]Office/PPT anyway. Don’t know what to do with the whole time, but thanks Orgmode! :)
This is a short summary of my bachelor thesis that was written in German. Maybe someone else is interested in the results.
The topic of the thesis was “Implementing a RDF storage solution for MongoDB”. Besides this implementation part the performance of the written API was compared to Virtuoso Open-Source.
So, to summarize this thesis, the main question is “Could MongoDB be an alternative to Virtuoso as triple store?”.
This should be a little overview of how to tweak some programs to use the awesome vi Bindings. I’m sure its not complete.
Put KeyBindings="viEdit" in the <Scheme name="_custom_" ...> section of your ~/.AbiSuite/AbiWord.Profile
If you want to cycle through the input methods pressing F12, put KeyBindingsCycle="1" also in this section.
echo "set -o vi" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "set editing-mode vi" >> ~/.inputrc (for other readline based tools, e.g. psql)
Dia ist seit einiger Zeit mein Standardprogramm wenn es um Diagramme geht.
Für mein Studium brauchte ich Logikgatter nach IEC Norm, welche in Deutschland wohl Stand der Dinge wären. Da ich diese Shapes nirgends finden konnte, habe ich sie mal selber erstellt.
Hier also die die entsprechenden Dateien:
Zum ‘Installieren’ einfach die beiden Ordner in das Verzeichnis ~/.dia/ (unter Linux) entpacken.
Und wem die Shapes nicht gefallen, hier noch die Quellgrafiken: